Employee Essentials

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I get insurance?
a. Yes, Exceptional Hearts employees (both full time and part time) are eligible to sign up for insurance coverage! Full time employees can receive medical insurance through Independence Blue Cross, dental insurance through MetLife, and supplemental insurance through Aflac. Part-time employees are only eligible for Aflac supplemental insurance.
2. When can I sign up for health insurance?
a. Exceptional Hearts will reach out to you after your first 90 days working with us about signing up for Independence Blue Cross medical and MetLife dental insurances. If you decline at this time, you will have to wait until the open enrollment period, which is November 4th-29th. You can, however, sign up for Aflac insurance at any time!
3. Is there a retirement plan?
a. Yes! All employees are eligible for a 401k plan at Exceptional Hearts, after you have worked with us for one year and completed 1000 hours of service (includes part-time employees). Exceptional Hearts will match any money added to your 401k up to 4 percent!
4. Is there life insurance?
a. Yes! Exceptional Hearts also offers a $50,000-dollar life insurance policy for full-time employees, no sign up necessary! Just complete your beneficiary form.
Vacation Time
1. Am I eligible for vacation time?
a. Yes, all full time Exceptional Hearts employees are eligible for 40 hours annually of vacation time after their first year of employment has been completed!
b. Keep in mind, vacation time does NOT carry over into the next calendar year.
Use it or lose it!
2. Can I cash out vacation time?
a. Yes, but only at the end of each year. For 2024, we will accept vacation time cash out forms from DECEMBER 2ND – DECEMBER 23RD. There are NO exceptions to this deadline! It also must be submitted with the correct form, which you can reach out to us to access.
Sick Time
1. Am I eligible for sick time?
a. Yes, all employees are eligible for sick time! You earn one hour of sick time for every 40 hours of work. You may begin using sick time on the 90th calendar day following the commencement of your employment.
2. Can I use sick time for a call out?
a. Yes, if it follows the Exceptional Hearts guidelines for calling out! We ask for an 24 hours’ notice. Also, Exceptional Hearts requires a doctor’s note if you are calling out sick for three days in a row or longer.
3. Does sick time carry over?
a. Yes, sick time does carry over into the next calendar year! However, you can only use 40 hours of sick time each year.
1. What is a timesheet?
o A timesheet is a form you fill out if there is no record of a clock in or clock out during a scheduled shift time. This could be because you forgot to clock in/out, or if there were issues with your phone, but both situations would need a timesheet to correct the hours.
2. How do I fill out a timesheet?
o Fill out only for the specific dates you didn’t clock in and the hours you worked that day.
3. Can I submit a timesheet late?
o The deadline for submitting timesheets is Monday at 5pm every single week. If we don’t receive your time sheet by then, we cannot pay you for those hours until the next week.
Missed Punch
1. What is a missed punch form?
a. In HHA Exchange, caregivers who failed to clock in or out according to their schedule constitute a missed punch.
For example, John Doe is scheduled to work with Mary Smith Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. John clocks in at 9:23am and clocks out at 5:00pm. This is a missed punch because John clocked in after his shift started.
Example #2, John clocks in at 9:00am and clocks out at 5:32pm. This is a missed punch because John clocked out after his scheduled shift was over.
In both examples, it’s important for caregivers to strictly adhere to their assigned schedules. Any tardiness or too early clock-ins or outs will be recorded as missed punches.
The Missed Punch Log is a crucial aspect of Exceptional Hearts’ operational framework, aligning with guidelines outlined by Managed Care Organizations and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor.
2. How do I fill out a missed punch form?
a. Unlike a timesheet, a missed punch form needs to be filled out with ALL the dates of the week that you were scheduled to work, as well as the times and number of hours you were scheduled to work for the entire week. In addition, one of the
reasons for missed punch must be checked “yes.” If these are not all completed, the form will be considered incomplete, and you will need to send a new one.
Other Questions
1. Can I call at any time of the day if I have a question or problem?
o Absolutely! You can call your local office phone number 24 hours a day, and someone will be on the line to assist you with anything you need!
2. Do all offices have 24-hour on call services?
o Yes! Our Philadelphia, Allentown, and Harrisburg numbers can be called at any time to help you!
3. Who do I contact for what I need help with?
o If you have any questions about benefits/insurance, ask for Shelly McNear.
o If you have any questions about sick time or vacation time, ask for Deborah Butler.
o If you have any scheduling questions or changes, ask for Elaine.
o But all of our office employees are happy to help!
4. Where can I access my employee handbook?
You can find your employee handbook by heading to PayChex, then navigating to My Documents. From there, you'll be able to access the employee handbook.